Add a Security Pocket to your favorite jacket for tablet or phone

Keep your devices close while carrying less. Roam the world  less venerable to theft. Why carry a bag if you do not have to? Consider a simple upgrade your favorite jacket to protect the technology you depend on every day. If this sounds like a good idea but way beyond your sewing skills visit a local tailor at a dry cleaner and see if they can do it for you.

The size and shape of your favorite digital device may change over time but the need to keep it safe and close at had will never go out of fashion. Using some basic sewing skills and materials to customize a garment keeps information close at hand and safely ready for use. This technique will work better on a jacket or mid weight layer, a fleece or sweatshirt can work but may cause stretching if the device is bulky. A coat with a lining and sub structure will give more support to a retrofit pocket especially for larger devices.

Placement will vary depending on your size and what you need to stow ideas include inside a jacket front, on the lower back, on a longer coat along the leg. Notice how you doctor's lab coat now sometimes has a big front pocket for a tablet. Notice in your environment how other people professionally and on the go in sport or travel solve this problem, shop around for ideas to use for yourself.

Know that sewing will make preferations in the cloth of favorite jacket working on the side seam and facings is a less noticeable way to attach the pocket, the weight and size of the device will affect the drape of the garment. This is simple straight stitch sewing that can be done by hand or with a machine. If you are not comfortable with sewing somthing like a leather jacket bring it to a professional and save the trouble. If you have something like a denim jacket that lacks a large enough pocket that would make a good foundation.


Fabric - light weight cotton to blend into the interior of jacket
Needle, pins
Thread to match jacket
woven material more than twice as big + 2”
Optional Closure ideas, sew in velcro or magnets

Use the cardboard to mock up the size of the phone and add enough to consider width and hitting jacket seams for placement.
Fold material around the cardboard and the fold will be at the top edge and chalk mark the shape, when cutting leave an inch greater than your pocket shape.

Turn the cloth inside out to stitch the sides and bottom, leaving a 2" opening to turn it to the right side.
With an iron or just your fingers, press the seams flat and poke out the corners and stitch closed the turning opening.
Pin the pocket into place stitch into existing seam line with hand stitches. Use good knots to be sure the connection is secure.
If you choose to add a closure to the top of the pocket sewing into the top edge and connecting to the jacket interior.